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Joint Ventures

Various Forms

Support by M & A Strategie GmbH

The term Joint Venture is not defined by law and is used in various ways.

It comprises a wide range of agreements where two or more companies agree upon starting a common business or a common business-related activity.

One form of Joint Venture is the Contractual Joint Venture, which is an agreement solely based on obligatory rights, where there is no hiving-off of collaboration e.g. in form of a project company. If a Joint Venture is established in form of a stock or a private company, it is called Equity Joint Venture.

M & A Strategie GmbH supports you in successful establishment of a Joint Venture, from concept and design to identification of partners and implementation of this form of cooperation.

The course of the consultation phase of this form of cooperation is similar to the Strategic Alliance as well as other forms of cooperation, the boundaries are not always clearly determined.

Support requires mandating of M & A Strategie GmbH with an appropriate advisory mandate:

Phase 1:
Strategy Design (in the transaction process)

  1. Strategic definition of the company position, company analysis, evaluation of the strategic gap
  2. Deriving, structuring and determination of a joint venture strategy
  3. Drawing up of a search profile

Phase 2:
Identification of Potential Contractual Partners

  1. Identification of suitable joint venture candidates (Long List)
  2. Selection in accordance with the client
  3. Anonymous establishing of contact with the selected joint venture candidates
  4. Identification of suitable joint venture candidates with the client (Short List)
  5. Creation of an Information Memorandum for the joint venture candidates

Phase 3:
Establishing of Contact and Exchange of Information

  1. Establishing of contact and initiation of negotiations
  2. Reciprocal disclosure of relevant company data
  3. Structuring of joint venture
  4. Letter of Intent

Phase 4:
Negotiations and Contractual Conclusion

  1. Contractual draft by external legal and tax advisors
  2. Concluding negotiations
  3. Contractual conclusion (possibly certified by public notary)